8 Fun Things To Do With Teens On The Weekend

8 Fun Things To Do With Teens On The Weekend

It has been observed in today’s age that teens keep themselves pretty engaged with their educational, social and extracurricular activities throughout the week. That is the reason they want to make their weekend extra special and joyful in order to distress and relax.

Sometimes they have their own plans to enjoy their weekend but most of the time they are free and have no idea that what to do. They are so energetic at this age that it is impossible for them to sit idle and ruin their weekend and we also don’t want them to do so. But we do not only want to make their weekend joyful and interesting but we also want that they become active, responsible and kind to our society. So what should we do?

8 Fun Things To Do With Teens On The Weekend

Here we have some suggestions to make them happy, more active and fill their character with moral values on weekends

1. Follow Their Choice

First of all, we should give an opportunity for our teens to decide what they want to do on their weekend. Teens always want to talk to us, tell us and show us how smartly they are learning new things, they really enjoy it. Because we as parents might be their role model and it is our duty to give them time and such opportunities. We as parents may learn something new about them and it will make a friendly relation between teens and parents.

So let them decide and show your trust in them.

2. Visit An Amusement/Theme Park

We all have some amusement/theme parks near our city. If budget allows then we can plan to visit these parks on weekends with our teens.

Visiting an amusement/theme park can turn out to be one of the best options for teens. In these types of parks and social places, they tend to burst with happiness and joy when they get around with other teens. Enjoyment in parks, Outdoor food and spending the whole day together with family will make their weekend special. With these types of activities, they not only enjoy their day but also stay active and recharged throughout the day.

3. Outdoor Games

Teenagers always like games whether indoor or outdoor. Outdoor games always have more benefits as compare to indoor games. Even schools/colleges arrange many physical activities/games on weekends. Participation in such games does not only make teenager’s weekend active and enjoyable but it also gives them benefit in their social, mental and physical growth.

As we know outdoor games have a lot of benefits. Teens can also socialize with colleagues and friends in their local society and can arrange for outdoor games and physical activities on weekends.

4. A Picnic/Trip To Stay Close With Nature

If it is pleasant weather outside, it’s best to plan for a small picnic for a family outing. All you need to do is gather some snacks, beverages and go enjoy the beauty of nature. Spending a weekend with nature will be fun for teenagers. Long walk and exploring nature on a weekend will work as a stress buster and joy booster for both teenagers and parents.

It will make our day if we can go to some hilly area near our city. The route must be planned as per our convenience that how long we can walk or how much time we have to spend. 

5. Meet With Grandparents

Take your teens to meet with their grandparents on weekends. Let them spend some time together. Grandparents will come to know about their grandchildren and their new era and similarly teens will listen to their grandparent’s experiences of life. It is always appreciable if teens live with their grandparents and parents together. But, today we are living in micro families. 

It is very important for teens to learn how their grandparents used to live decades ago. It is very natural that teens always have a good bond of emotions with their grandparents in spite of their parents. So we should fill the teen’s weekend with different kind of activities for enjoyment and learning by arranging their meet with grandparents.

6. Visit Local Gallery/Museum

A visit to a local gallery/museum on the weekend will give new exposure to teenagers from a learning perspective. Usually, museums/galleries give special discounts to students.

Teenagers learn a lot of new things about history in a simple and interesting manner from museums. When teens visit the gallery and have a look at the work of local artists, they get inspired to learn new arts which can further lead them to join new art classes or having new hobbies.

7. Cook Something New And Tasty At Home

Teens are fond of tasty food especially when it is weekend. We can turn this into new kind of fun if we involve our teens in the cooking process. It is better to ask them for a new dish to choose they want to have. Then ask them for help or include them in cooking with some other reason.

One more thing that can be done is we can encourage our teens to cook something easy and tasty for the rest of the family. Many easy recipes and half-cooked items are available in the market with which teens can start. Even if teens are showing their desire to eat something which is time-consuming, we should ask them to prepare and start cooking and offer them help as needed.

It will really make Teen’s day.

8. Social/Community Service

Easy availability of their demands can make teens self-oriented. If money/budget is not a constraint then definitely we can try to fulfil most of their demands. But then our teens will not understand the value of money and may become thankless. However we don’t want to make this lesson hard for them, so social service can be an option which will definitely make them thankful for what they have and it will also fill their heart with a real sense of happiness.

Ask them to be a volunteer for those charitable organizations which have special joyful tasks for teenagers. Ask them to donate their non-usable/old things to those who cannot buy those things.

All we need is to channelize teen’s energy in such a fashion that it results in a happy, energetic and joyful weekend with some learning as well.