Essential Steps to Save The Relationship

Essential Steps to Save The Relationship

There is a famous saying, “Good relationship proceeds with power equalities and mind games”. No matter how strong your connection, every relationship goes through turmoil or churn. Even the strongest relationships also face challenges at some stage of life. 

A healthy and happy relationship can be made and continue where there is a breach of trust. 

According to a famous clinical psychologist, Stone Kraushaar, Issues are part of life, and they are also partly being in a relationship. She also suggests there must not be a goal to fix up the past but to work creatively together in a meaningful way. 

If there is any breach in the trust, then you have to put more effort so that there won’t be any rift in the relationship. It’s always painful to face that situation, but leaving those issues unaddressed won’t help any one of you in the long run. 

Here are the tips to get you started so that you can save your relationship- 

1. Take Full Responsibility If You Are At Fault-

If there is an issue and there has been infidelity, you need to take full responsibility for what has happened and understand how your behavior has hurt your partner. Try to avoid becoming defensive or sidestepping your mistake. And don’t ever try to fall into self-loathing either. The most important step you need to take is that you should own it in such a loving way that will create space to start to rebuild trust. You must take the responsibility but don’t try to justify your actions or blame them on some other person. 

2. Practice Radical Transparency-

Couples should be radically transparent rather than bottling emotions and hurting each other. This radically transparent involves truly getting it out there, even if you feel silly or self-conscious about admitting certain things. If you are the one who broke others' trust then you must be radically transparent with yourself about the things that motivated you to do so. Was it simply a lapse of judgment? Or an unsuccessful attempt to sabotage a situation that you dint know how to get out of? Firstly, you ought to be brutally honest with yourself. Only you can become honest with each other. 

3. Extend Compassion And Care To The Person You Hurt The Most-

when you hurt your partner, then you fall into a spiral of shame and disappointment in yourself. This won't help either of you. It would help if you did something to tackle this situation. Rather than spending the time beating yourself up over what mistakes you have committed, try to shift all your energy towards showing care and respect to your partner. Do all the possible steps to compensate for all the mistakes you have committed and try to be compassionate to your partner. 

Dealing with this situation when you are in long-distance relationships becomes very much difficult being physically apart is more painful and can be rough on the relationship. In long-distance relationships keeping the romance alive take extra effort from everyone apart. Then in such a case, you need to take extra measures to deal with this situation-

1. Have regularly scheduled visits- couples need to have scheduled visits more often, and they can look forward to those times and plans to make them special. Some research studies show those long-distance relationships where partners have a reunion planned more often have less stressful and more satisfying results. 

2. Manage expectations- try to have a short discussion with your partner and set some ground rules that take into account commitment and exclusiveness. Try to be honest with your partner and upfront about your expectations from the beginning only to prevent things from going wrong down the road.

3. Learn to compromise- Give and takes are the prime things in any relationship. If you're residing with your partner, you need to sacrifice your own, which can foster more happiness and fulfillment. 

4. Use Skilled communication when you have a big fight- once the tampers are calmed down, then you both have to take a chance to get your point across. It’s better to give each person some space to communicate their point of view. 

To restore or create a sense of safety, you need to be open and honest about one’s thoughts and intentions about the present-day relationship and the future. 

5. Listen actively- winning an argument is never truly winning. If your partner feels like losing the argument, then, in that case, it may contribute to more distance, resentment, and tension, in the long run. 

So, try to listen to your partner's opinion and don’t try to defend yourself. Try to break the pattern and always consider it new rather than the old one. In this way, you can create an opportunity to define rules and boundaries from the beginning.