Tips To Increase Self-Confidence In Teenagers

Tips To Increase Self-Confidence In Teenagers

Can a teacher teach to his/her students without confidence? Can a lawyer win a debate without confidence? Can a seller sell products without confidence? From a teenager in a school to be a successful person in life, self-confidence plays an important role everywhere.

When a child takes birth he does not have any control over his body type and colour because these are not in his control. We need to handle every situation in life with self-confidence. Colour and body type hardly affects our life if we are confident. Now school/college is a place where we learn a lot of things and also this is the time when we face maximum challenges as well. It will be best for us if we could increase our self-confidence in our adolescence. Self-confidence not only helps us learning in the classrooms and in sports but later it also helps us in choosing the right carrier. Self-confidence gives the ability for teenagers to face challenges and uncertainties.

In this article, we have tips for both parents and teenagers. There are some points which need to be discussed with teens directly and there are also some points which need to be discussed with parents as well. 

Here Are Some Tips For Teenagers:

1. Ask Questions

Take the initiative in asking questions. When teachers or coaches are teaching something new and you are not getting that or you are stuck at some point you should ask them to take a pause and clarify all your questions/doubts. If you still don’t understand, ask them to repeat it for one more time. 

This small trick is really going to be magical. Just after two to three attempts, you will see that it was not that difficult to ask questions from the teacher. You will not only learn things easily but it will make a hidden bond between you and your teachers stronger, which will definitely increase your self-confidence.

The most important thing to be noticed here is that asking questions from teachers/trainers is more valuable as compared to searching it on Google. Asking questions to Google may not play the same role.

2. Answer The Questions

Similar to asking questions, answering the questions is also very important. During classes and training teachers use to ask many questions and most of the time we try to avoid answering these questions. We keep our heads down or we show that we are reading notes and avoid eye contact with teachers. It is due to a lack of self-confidence.

Start answering these questions with your own initiative. Assume a situation where you are going to answer such a question. What is going to happen? Either you are going to give the right answer or you are going to give the wrong answer. Irrespective of you giving right or wrong answer you will still have something to learn. A right answer may win some praise and a wrong answer will still get you in a conversation that would lead to yielding the right answer. If you gave the right answer, you will get praise from the teacher which will increase your confidence. In both cases, it will boost your self-confidence. So start answering the questions as well.

3. Choose The Right People For Advice

One of the main problems of teenagers is that when they face any problem they try to find a solution among their friends who are of the same age group. No doubt, teenagers may be technically sound but remember only teachers and parents are the right people there for you who are more experienced

It does not mean that friends are not caring or good for you but it simply means friends may not be able to help you out of that particular problem because they don’t have as much experience of situations as your parents and teachers have.

When you get advice from your parents or teachers, it does not only solve your problem but also makes you confident because you know it very well that advice is given by a mature and experienced person. This can be tested by an experiment. Just ask for a solution for a particular problem from both experienced ones and your friends. Suggestion from both will make you surprise. So to be confident in life always choose the right person as your advisor in every situation.

Here Are Some Tips For Parents

1. Don’t Compare

Comparison is the seed of grief and rivalry which further breaks one’s self-confidence. Don’t compare your teen’s strengths and weaknesses with others, especially with their peers and friends. Even siblings don’t have the same strengths and weaknesses. So if you want your teen to be self-confident then ask them to concentrate only on their strengths and weaknesses. In-spite of comparison let them Invest their time in the improvement of their own weaknesses and sharpening of their strengths.

2. Encourage And To Allow Your Teen For ECA (Extracurricular Activities)

Only studies don’t sharp every edge of your teen’s personality. If you really want your teens to be self-confident then don’t let them be dependent only on classrooms. Extracurricular activities (ECA) play a vital role in the development of their personality. Because of participation in ECA, teens learn many skills like handling pressure, team spirit, self-dependency and time management. These skills increase their self-confidence. 

Sometimes teens are self-willing to participate in ECA but parents strictly object to participating because they want their teens to concentrate only on their studies. By not allowing your teens for ECA unknowingly you are stopping them from learning many skills and missing their one chance of becoming self-confident.

3. Make Room For Mistakes

If a person doesn’t make mistakes, he/she is simply doing nothing. We do mistakes when we try to learn something new. As a parent small failures and few mistakes of your teen deserve space. But if the same mistakes/failures are repeated by teens then it needs communication. New mistakes are always welcome but repeated mistakes should be corrected. When parents scold their teens on initial mistakes, it breaks down their confidence to make another effort. It is easy to improve mistakes and turn failure into success but one’s self-confidence is lost, they will stop making efforts in new things.

It is all about the trust of teens on their parents and vice versa. When teens start taking advice from parents and similarly parents start showing confidence in their teen’s capability then definitely it increases teen’s self-confidence.