14 Ways To Get Over Someone You Love

14 Ways To Get Over Someone You Love

What Is LOVE? 

LOVE, which is difficult to describe in words. Everyone has a different definition of love. If we consider the literal definition of love, then “Love is a complex confluence of emotion, behaviour and trust that is associated with strong feelings of affection, security, warmth and respect for the other person.”

Losing Someone You Love Is Very Painful

It is not easy to end any relationship, especially when there is a love relationship. And if your loved one leaves you then surely your heart will be broken and you might know that this is the worst experience of life. It will be easy to describe the physical pain once, but how can anyone express the pain after being rejected by someone?

You will feel like your life is over and you are going through a very difficult time. This is the result of loving someone deeply, which is very painful after the breakup.

Heartbreak is a grieving process that is not the same for everyone. There is no fixed time limit for getting out of this. It completely depends on personal feelings, depths of love, length of the relationship and shared experiences and memories. But like any other wound, heartbreak also heals with time.

Everyone Has A Different Way Of Dealing With Pain

How people deal with this pain is depends upon the individual’s nature. It does not matter how you deal with it but you always wonder why that person left you and that’s why you feel sad, angry and lonely

But how long shall we live with this pain? And if we do not try to get out of it ourselves then life will get worse. It is not easy to forget the person you love a lot, but it is good to get out of it and there is no other option. 

Ways To Get Over Someone You Love

Your love has told you that everything that was between us has ended, it is very difficult to accept this but it is not impossible to get out of this pain. And for this, first, you have to accept that you cannot go back into the same relationship and you have to forget it and start a new beginning. There are many things that can take you into a positive direction and can give you a new approach to life.

Here, find the ways to get over someone you love.

#1. Accept The Fact 

Now accept that your relationship has ended and instead of taking it in a negative sense, take it in a positive way. Know that it is your past and this understanding will be the first step to get out of it. And when you accept this truth then it will become a little easier to move forward in life.

#2. Keep Yourself Busy

The second best way to get out of the grief of breakup is to keep yourself busy. When you are in love, you are engrossed in what your partner likes and dislikes. Now take advantage of what you have extra time and freedom, now think for yourself and do what you like, what you've always wanted to do.

Go for a walk, plant trees, for shopping for yourself, join the gym, and learn something new etc. This will boost your confidence and can be rejuvenating too. 

#3. Don’t Have Any Connection With Them

The person you love hurts the most and in such a situation, seeing or coming in contact with that person would be like spraying salt in the wound. Even though your relationship is over, you can still be in love with him.  So we highly recommend that this will be the best way that you don’t have any connection with your partner after the break-up. 

If you want to get out of a breakup then break all connection with that person like no call, no message. Block or unfriend them and also stop following them on your social media network. If you don't do this then it will bring more chaos in your life.

#4. Accept Your Feelings And Emotions

It is normal to feel sad, regret, hope, anger, hate, fear, shame, disappointment etc. after a break-up. Accept all the emotions fully, do not deny them, but embrace them. If you wanna cry, do so because crying does not make you weak or miserable. Crying is a way to release body tension that instantly relaxes your mind and body.

Don’t hold your emotions, release it. Cry, scream, shout, hit the punching bag, run… do anything to vent your emotions. If you ignore your feelings and emotions, they will frighten you more and it can lead to complete depression in future. 

#5. Try To Forgive Them And Yourself

Forgive someone, easier to say but harder to do, but as long as you do not forgive, you will also be in trouble yourself. But this is the best way to find peace and get out of the one you love.

Now you know that your relationship is over, then no matter what the fault was, whose fault was it, forgive it and move on. Most important, forgive yourself and understand that whatever happened, you had no control over it. You should leave such a thing that reminds you of your partner and this is possible only when you start forgiving.

#6. Don’t Blame Others And Hold Onto Anger

If you keep blaming yourself or your partner for your broken relationship, then you will always have negative feelings for this relationship and it will be very painful. Blaming Game will never make you forget them and live in peace. 

Sometimes it is good to embrace negative emotions, but holding anger and blame for too long has a detrimental effect on yourself and others. If you are always blaming the other person and are in anger then it is a hindrance for you to get out of a break-up. 

So don’t blame anyone and hold onto to anger, this will help you to get over the person you love. 

#7. Love Yourself

It would be great to remember to love yourself after the break-up. When people are in a relationship often focus all their attention on 'we' and forget themselves in this 'we' and stop thinking about ourselves. It is not easy to get out of a deep love relationship, but it will be helpful to reconnect with yourself. 

Loving and pampering yourself a bit, both of these are great ways to get out of the pain of failed love. So, find your inner happiness and help yourself to move on. 

#8. Don’t Keep Their Stuff Around You

In any relationship, the exchange of things is very common and if the relationship is of love, then anything of our partner is most precious to us. Even after the break-up, if you are surrounded by these things, then it will be very difficult to get out of your memories. It would be better if you remove all those things from your reach or return them.

Apart from things, there will be some places where you have spent a good time together. Whenever you go, then old memories will disturb you. Deliberately avoid going to such places. By doing this you will help yourself a lot to get out of this pain. 

#9. Talk To A Person Who Understands You

When you openly talk about your break-up to someone with honesty, then surely your mind will get relaxed to some extent.  Whether it is your friend or relative or brother-sister or parents or any other family member, you can talk to anyone who understands you, who knows all about you. 

Maybe that person can give you some advice that works for you like remedy or maybe you can help to understand and solve the situation in a better way. 

#10. Your Family And Friends Are Always There For You

When you are in love then you probably forget that your friends and your family also love you. You have a break-up with your partner, but remember that your family and your other friends will never leave you. So be sure that you should stay with your family and friends. 

If you stay alone you will miss your partner more, and in such a time if you stay with your family or friends then you will get some relief from your loneliness and sorrows. These people will not only help you relax but will also encourage you to start life again from a new level.

#11. Go For A Trip

It might be a good idea to go somewhere. New place, new people, there will be no memories related to your partner here.  This activity gives you the opportunity to do your own work and enjoy being independent.

And when you focus on yourself, it is definitely a positive sign that you are trying to come out of your own grief.

#12. Time Heals Everything

It is said that as time goes by, the feeling of pain also lessens. Just like that, Break-up pain also lessens with time. You better give yourself some time, whether it will be several months or years. 

Be patient, one day everything will be normal and you will start living a new life without complaining about your past. 

#13. Seek Professional Help

If you are not able to overcome the pain of break-up by taking any measures, then take help of a professional. After the break-up, people feel inferior and secluded which is very normal. In such a situation, there is no awkwardness in seeking the help of a professional.

It is actually an option for those who are still in difficulty with the pain of their failed love after every effort. Therapists or others can help you understand your feelings and be concerned and give you a purposeful perspective.

#14 Be Open To New Opportunities

Don't shake your confidence after the break-up. The pain of losing your love is heartbreaking but it is not the end of the world. Life will give you more new opportunities, just identify those opportunities or possibilities and be positive. It is absolutely okay that you think and take your time.  So be optimistic and start this new phase of life with the confidence that you can make your life better without having to depend on anyone.

Getting over someone you love deeply is not a process that ends in one night or in a few days. It may take a few months or maybe even years. But it's not that easy and neither will ever. There are ups and downs in everyone's life, but you have to keep fighting without being afraid of them, you have to do this to make your life better because you deserve to live a happy life.