Oil Pulling Therapy For Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Oil Pulling Therapy For Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Do you also have yellow teeth and you see the bright white teeth of the hero-heroine, thinking that I wish my teeth were so white too? If yes, then this article is for you.

Usually, people pay a lot of attention to cleaning their body, skin, hair. but only by brushing the teeth, they think their mouth is getting clean. Many of us brush only once in the morning. Some brush in the morning as well as at night before bedtime, some are a little more aware and also clean the tongue with a tongue cleaner. But now slowly, awareness is also being given about cleaning the mouth among the right people. Celebrities are also the reason for this.

Recently a Bollywood actress, Anushka Sharma shared a photo on Instagram with her dog, in which her expressions were quite different. Actually she was doing oil pulling. She explained its benefits and wrote that oil pulling is part of her routine. Since this phase is going on such that people are taking great care of their health, that’s why she shared this thing, so that people can adopt it and take advantage of it. On this post itself, people commented that now they too will definitely start it.

What Is Oil Pulling?

It is an Indian technique of cleaning the mouth. It is also called Kavalagraha in Ayurveda. With this help, smelly breath, the decay of teeth, weak gums and bleeding in the gums can be cured. This causes yellow teeth to become white and the life of teeth increases due to the elimination of bacteria. One type of oil pulling is Gandusha. The only difference is that in Gandusha the mouth has to be completely filled with oil and after a short time it has to spit out, but in oil pulling; only 1 or 2 tablespoons full of the oil swish around your mouth so that the oil can be pulled throughout the mouth. Sesame oil is best for pulling, but you can also use oils like coconut oil and sunflower oil if you wish.

When And How To Do Oil Pulling?

The best time for doing oil pulling is the morning time with an empty stomach.  Do it before eating and drinking anything and even before brushing your teeth, so that it can remove the bacteria that are generated in the mouth overnight. First, fill two spoons of oil in the mouth. Fill the oil as much as you can. Now swish it for 10-15 minutes all over the mouth. In the initial days, people are able to keep only for 2-3 minutes. You also gradually increase the time. Now spit it out. You will see that the oil became thin and milky in colour. Don't accidentally swallow the oil after pulling, because it is full of the bacteria. With this technique, all types of bacteria and toxins present in your mouth are easily evicted with oil. Immediately after that brush your teeth and clean the mouth.

Celebrities Also Do Oil Pulling

Recently, as we have told you at the beginning that Anushka Sharma shared her photo on Instagram while pulling oil. Another Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty has also told in many shows that she starts her morning with oil pulling. One more Bollywood actress, Priyanka Chopra has also told the secret of her glowing skin is to do oil pulling in the morning.

Advantages of Oil Pulling

  • Strong, beautiful and shiny teeth
  • This will lead to mouth exercises that will increase blood circulation of the face and make the skin shiny
  • This will make you look younger
  • You will understand the taste of food items better
  • Can relieve eye weakness
  • Better memory
  • Problems like migraine, the headache will also be reduced.
  • Completely gets rid of bad breath.
  • Hair and nails also become healthy

What Precautions to Take?

  • When you spit oil after oil pulling, never spit in the washbasin, as the oil will slowly choke your basin. You spit in things like polythene, disposable cups and put it in the dustbin.
  • Whatever oil you use, never swallow it.
  • Brush immediately after spitting oil
  • Whatever oil you use, be sure that it is natural. Don’t use any oil which we are applying on hair. It contains many chemicals.
  • To check, if you are allergic to oil, first apply the oil on your hands.