Control Weight With Intermittent Fasting

Control Weight With Intermittent Fasting

In today's era, everyone wants to look fit, wants to be lean. In such a situation, people are adopting many ways to lose weight. Some are going to the gym; some are doing yoga. Some people stop eating junk food and some people stop eating sweets.

These days people are also doing intermittent fasting. Its trend has increased significantly now. Seeing the benefits of it, many people are adopting it. Even dieticians are now advising to adopt it. If you have not tried it yet, then you must also try this method to reduce your weight.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

As people fast for religious reasons, it is also of the same kind. This is a plan of fasting in which one has to skip meals while staying hungry for a long time. Also, at what time to eat and at what time not to take, it’s pre-decided. In this, fasting and eating time is fixed. For example, 16 hours of fasting is done in 24 hours and in the remaining 8 hours you can eat.

If you ate food at 7 in the evening, then on the second day you would be able to eat something only at 11 am. Will have breakfast, lunch after breakfast and then dinner at 7 pm. And then this cycle will repeat again. In this way, you will fast for 16 hours daily and keep an 8-hour eating window.

Two Methods Of Fasting Are More Beneficial

There are many ways of intermittent fasting, the first of which we have known is the ratio of 16 and 8 hours. At the same time, the second is to fast on one day and take normal food on the other day i.e., alternate-day fasting. These two methods lead to rapid weight loss. Apart from this, if you have just started fasting then it is better to first reduce the fasting time and increase it gradually.

After being fully adjusted in 16 hours fast and 8 hours eating window, you can keep 18 hours fast and 6 hours eating window. After this, you can keep 20 hours fast and 4 hours eating window.

Apart From Weight Loss, There Are Many Benefits

Fasting not only reduces weight but also gives relief to your body, which keeps on doing the work of digestion continuously due to you always eating something. In addition, during fasting, the insulin level goes down and our fat cells release their stored sugar to give energy to the body. Due to this, the weight decreases.

Fasting also acts as a kind of healing. This removes the bad cells of your body and starts replacing them with new ones. Fasting also boosts your immunity.

This improves blood pressure. Life increases. The mind remains in control. The metabolism function of the body is fine. According to research, it also reduces the risk of coronary artery disease (a type of heart disease). It reduces harmful cholesterol.

Some Difficulties Faced By People Due To Intermittent Fasting

  • May have a headache
  • May cause constipation
  • Not eating food can cause irritability
  • Mood may swing
  • May feel dizzy
  • Sleep problems due to hunger
  • May feel weakness

Do Take Care Of These Things As Well

  • In the beginning, keep the fasting period short. Gradually increase the time.
  • If you have any other disease, then take this technique only after consulting a doctor.
  • Drink plenty of water during fasting. Drink juice so that the body remains hydrated.
  • Don’t open fast after eating a lot of food. Eat some fruit first and then have your meal after 30 minutes.
  • If you consume cigarettes and alcohol, then this fasting will not benefit you, so leave them.
  • Don’t open fast with junk food. It should not happen that after keeping fast for so long, you eat too much.
  • If you do light exercise together, then the weight will decrease rapidly.