Is It Safe To Take Apple Cider Vinegar During Breastfeeding

Is It Safe To Take Apple Cider Vinegar During Breastfeeding

Lactating mothers should take special care of their diet because the food they eat will get passed to your baby through breast milk. For this reason, you should be cautious about your daily diet during breastfeeding. 

What to eat and what not to eat?  This question bothers nursing mothers the most. There may be a stage when you are craving for something because you like the taste of it and want to include it in your diet like Apple Cider Vinegar. It may be a good option to have it in your salads. But the question is that is it safe to take apple cider vinegar while breastfeeding. 

In this article, we will know all about apple cider vinegar, its benefits and side effects, and whether it is safe for lactating mothers.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is a tangy liquid which is a fermented apple juice. To make this, the apple is crushed and put to fermentation which is initially converted to alcohol and finally to acetic acid. Acetic acid is also termed as vinegar, which has a pungent smell and tangy taste.

The acetic acid, enzymes, micronutrients, and bioactive compounds present in it are found to have medicinal value and that’s why it has many health benefits.

It takes about 2 years to make apple cider vinegar and in most cases, the final product undergoes pasteurization in which dangerous bacteria like E Coli are destroyed.

This popular vinegar has traditionally been used in Asian cuisine and medicinal purposes for centuries. It has many health-related benefits. It is helpful to control diabetes, maintaining weight, increase immunity, etc. also popular worldwide for boosting metabolism and adding sour taste to dishes. But is it safe to consume apple cider vinegar for lactating mothers?

Is It Safe To Have Apple Cider Vinegar While Breastfeeding?

There is no study yet to prove or disprove that apple cider vinegar is safe/unsafe for lactating mothers. But most doctors and scientists agree that if apple cider vinegar is organic, filtered and pasteurized, there will be no risk to you or your child from consuming in some.

But if you are still feeling unsure, talk to your doctor about your concerns. If you start taking apple cider vinegar during breastfeeding, you will have to monitor your baby's reactions. Being its acidic level, the baby may spit, have abdominal pain, gas, or refuse the breast. If you notice any of these signs, stop taking it immediately.

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar While Breastfeeding

It is believed that apple cider vinegar probably contains Vitamins like B1, B2 and B6, some Pectin, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, and Vitamin C. It also contains some minerals like sodium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium in a small amount.

As far as from the health point of view, it has many benefits like skin issues, weak bones, obesity and some chronic disorders. 

Some benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar during breastfeeding are as follows.

1. Control Diabetes:  

The acetic acid found in it helps neutralize blood sugar levels and that is why it is ideal in fighting diabetes. 

According to scientific studies, the intake of apple cider vinegar by lactating mothers may reduce blood sugar levels in the case of type 2 diabetes.

2. Improves Digestive Health: 

Consuming apple cider vinegar during breastfeeding provides excellent relief from bloating and other digestive issues that you experience post-delivery.

Due to the pectin present in it, it is often used to soothe the intestinal spasms.

3. For Weight Loss

Increase in weight is so understandable after delivery and during breastfeeding. A research study has shown that using apple cider vinegar helps in reducing weight. The acetic acid found in it can suppress the accumulation of body fat and that’s why it can help in proper weight loss in the long run.

4. Treatment Of Nasal Problems

Consuming apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water before going to bed at night clears blocked nose and also ensures that you can sleep well throughout the night. This is a very effective solution to avert the sinus issues.

5. Protects The Heart

Apple cider vinegar can possibly help reduce the risk of heart diseases. Its regular intake controls the level of LDL i.e. bad cholesterol in the body. This is one of the popular reasons that it does protect your heart and from cardiovascular deceases.

6. Boosts Energy And Metabolisms 

Moderate intake of apple cider vinegar can increase your energy during breastfeeding. The potassium and amino acids present in it are helpful in relieving post-delivery fatigue.

The metabolism of the body should also be right during breastfeeding and intake of apple cider vinegar can help you in maintaining the right metabolism of the body.

7. Detoxify The Body

Apple cider vinegar is used medicinally which can aid detoxify the body. Regular intake helps restore and balance the body's PH level

8. Good For Skin

It is common to have various skin disorders and problems after delivery. In this case, apple cider vinegar is a wonderful home remedy. Taking apple cider vinegar with food keeps your skin healthy and is considered excellent in reducing all skin problems that occur post-delivery.

Side-Effects of Having Apple Cider Vinegar During Breastfeeding

Like other products, apple cider vinegar is beneficial during breastfeeding but should be consumed in moderation. Nevertheless, it may have some possible side effects during breastfeeding.

1. May lower potassium levels And Mineral Density

Apple cider vinegar acts on the insulin level of the body so it decreases potassium levels which can cause low mineral density. It affects both mother and child. 

If you are taking medicines for high blood pressure (usually diuretic), then the consumption of apple cider vinegar can worsen potassium levels.

2. Digestion Problem

If you consume unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, it can transmit harmful bacteria to your breast milk supply. This increases your chances of getting various digestive diseases which can harm the baby as well.

3. Sugar Level Can Be Low

As we have mentioned earlier that apple cider vinegar works on insulin levels in the body, it can cause negative fluctuations in sugar level which is dangerous to your health and overall well-being.

4. Dental Problems

Due to high acidic levels in apple cider vinegar, it might be a reason for the erosion of dental enamel and tooth decay. It can also cause irritation and itching in the gums. That’s why it should be consumed in moderation and rinses your mouth immediately after consumption.

5. Rashes On Skin

Some women may have skin rash when they take apple cider vinegar during breastfeeding. If you experience itching, irritation or rashes on the skin, consult your doctor immediately.

Things To Remember About Apple Cider Vinegar While Breastfeeding

  • Buy a reputed brand of organic, filtered, and pasteurized apple cider vinegar.
  • Always dilute it before taking it otherwise it may lead to burning the tissues of your mouth and throat. 
  • Take in moderate quantity only, because excessive intake can cause low mineral density.
  • Don’t forget to rinse your mouth after consumption even if it is diluted. This will reduce the risk of erosion of dental enamel and tooth decay.
  • If you are thinking of using it topically, then dilute it so that there is no irritation on your skin.
  • Don’t take more than a teaspoon in a day.

List Of Some Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes For Nursing Mothers    

1. Salad Dressing 

Salad dressing

You can add apple cider vinegar to your salad. Also use black pepper, herbs, rock salt, crushed garlic and olive oil to make it even more delicious.

2. Detox Drink 

detox drink

To detox, your body, add some quantity of it in your detox drink. To make this drink, you need to pour 1 litre of water in a bottle with 1/2 inch crushed ginger, 1 teaspoon lemon juice; one teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon organic honey and some mint leaves for taste. Mix them all well and consume them as per your convenience. But remember this drink has to be finished the same day.

3. Herbal Tea 

Herbal tea

You can also take apple cider vinegar with your herbal tea. This is the easiest way. In your regular green tea, add 1 teaspoon ACP, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and some organic honey drops. You can also add cinnamon water to it to enhance the taste.

If apple cider vinegar is used moderately during breastfeeding, it will be very beneficial. That’s why consume sparingly for best results by trying the suggestions given and taking all necessary precautions. Combining this with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle will help you stay healthy for longer.

If you have any more suggestions about taking apple cider vinegar during breastfeeding, please send us in the comment section below.